Documentation not as important anymore?

Subject: Documentation not as important anymore?
From: Anatole Wilson <awilson -at- VNET -dot- IBM -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 29 Apr 1994 11:17:56 PDT

Just in my own defense, when I said the "obvious conclusions," I meant
the conclusions people might reach when they first read that snippet, and
wanted to head off any postings that jumped to those conclusions.

By "obvious conclusions," I didn't mean "obviously correct conclusions."

I must admit, though, that I assumed online help is a natural part of
documentation, while most of the business people interviewed for the
survey were probably just thinking about those big, thick manuals they'll
never have time to read.

I agree; ease-of-use through friendly, intuitive interfaces that go as far as
possible in eliminating the need for manuals, online help, and support, is
and should be the ultimate goal.

But until then--why has support displaced good documentation as a requirement?
Have users in general given up on the hope that good documentation exists? Or
is it really a social thing, pwople preferring other people over books? The
article points out that this is a shift in thinking from ten years ago.

Perhaps it's the change in the demographics of the typical user? (Fewer
techies, more "average" people?)

You'll get no obvious conclusions from me...:)

Anatole Wilson "We are all interested in the
Sr. Assoc. Information Developer future, for that is where you
IBM, Santa Teresa Labs and I will spend the rest of
our lives."
awilson -at- vnet -dot- ibm -dot- com --Griswell Predicts,
all company disclaimers apply "Plan 9 From Outer Space"

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