Re: Initial Caps

Subject: Re: Initial Caps
From: doug montalbano <doug_montalbano -at- CC -dot- CHIRON -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 29 Apr 1994 10:40:23 PST

Beth describes her work as an editor for overcapitalizing engineers:

I just lowercased half the caps, and all was well. That is, with one
exception, an engineer with two masters degrees and a doctorate. He
capped any word he felt was important and was very insulted and
insulting when I lowercased. But I was the peon, so He always Won.
So what is a tech writer to do?

You could also show them passages from _Winnie-the-Pooh_, with its cutesy
overcapitalization, and see if that scares 'em into submission....

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