Re: Interviewing

Subject: Re: Interviewing
From: Steve Gray <sagray -at- AMP -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 29 Apr 1994 10:27:46 EDT

Steve Pope writes (posted privately, but I think this point is
relevant to the "I want a job" discussion on the list):

> I always call prospective job applicants on the phone while they are at
> home in the evening. I talk with them several minutes and then ask what
> their salary requirements are. I've never had anyone NOT tell me what
> they make. This tactic prequalifies the applicant so that they and I have
> an understanding of the salary expectation.

> With regard to the "just get up and walk out" tactic. Burning ships might
> have worked for Caesar, but I would not recommend it here. Anyone who
> walks out my door WILL NOT be allowed to walk back in. There are too many
> good writers out there to tolerate that kind of behavior.

> *****************************
> Steve Pope
> The Kelton Group
> Raleigh
> (919) 851-4064
> spope -at- vnet -dot- net
> *****************************

This is a touchy area. My point is that interviewers will try plenty of
tricks to get the prospect to hang himself by giving out too high (or
too low) of a "salary requirement." Calling someone at home is an
interesting method. I'm sure that many people think they're answering
questions off-the-record, so they'll say many things they wouldn't say
in a formal interview.

By the way, I noticed that the politically-correct term is "prequalify,"
which to the candidate means "weed out."

As I said before, the "just get up and walk out" idea isn't supposed
to fool the interviewer. My argument boils down to these points:

- The interviewer already has an idea what the job will cost. If they
haven't already built the cost into the budget or charging system,
they probably aren't serious about hiring anybody.

- If the interviewer is using the "you name your price" tactic
to get cheap labor, he/she is acting unprofessionally, and
will probably continue such practices throughout the relationship
(sounds like the "I got a promotion, but not a raise" discussion).

- If the candidate really needs the job, and will work for
peanuts, then by all means, they SHOULDN'T walk out.

The interview really can turn into is a power game. Many interviewers
use the situation to take advantage of the prospect. Such people
get upset ("You'll never come back HERE again!") if you refuse to
play the game. There are too many good employers out there to tolerate
THAT kind of behavior!

But candidates should ALWAYS consider their position when interviewing.
If there are no other offers, interviews, or potential prospect,
DON'T shoot yourself in the foot!

Steve Gray sagray -at- amp -dot- com
Corp Stds & Tech Pubs
AMP Incorporated, Harrisburg, PA (717) 780-4393

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