Ventura Publisher

Subject: Ventura Publisher
From: Mike Christie <mikec -at- SYNTEL -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 26 Apr 1994 13:29:47 PDT

Faith Weber asks about Ventura Publisher.

The current version is Corel Ventura 4.2. The only significant enhancement is
the fact that if you are using the environment's width table it now
prompts you before rebuilding it. Otherwise the only real additions are
Corel's famous array of fonts you'll never use, a lot of Corel clip art on
CM ROM, and some support for Adobe acrobat.

At this point it's probably not worth upgrading unless you want to be sure
you're "registered" with Corel. Corel is planning a summer release of
Ventura 5.0, which will come *only* bundled with Corel Draw. It is
supposed to be a complete re-write, have a more Corel-like user interface,
be more CUA-compliant (for example End will take you to the end of the
line, like in most other applications, rather than the end of the chapter,
which, rumour has it, will now be Ctrl-End). From what I've heard, even
though you have only VP and not Corel Draw, upgrade pricing will be
attractive for the VP-only user.

Speaking of Ventura (thanks for prompting me to do so, Faith) is there a
Ventura mailing list out there? If not, why not? Is there some brave soul
Ventura user (a redundancy, actually) who has access to a listserver -as
I do not- willing to start one? The VP forum on ComuServe is quite nice,
but it would be great to have something on the 'net. (Besides, when you
get into forums on CompuServe, the meter starts ticking!)

Since the question was asked about WordPerfect, how manu VP users are there
out there? Is a VP list a possibility?

Mike Christie
Technical Writer
Syntelligence Systems, Inc.
mikec -at- syntel -dot- com

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