Re[2]: Non-computer writers

Subject: Re[2]: Non-computer writers
From: Karla McMaster <mcmaster%pcmail -dot- cti-pet -dot- com -at- CTI-PET -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 26 Apr 1994 11:31:51 EST

> How many technical writers on this list write about technologies OTHER than
> computers and computing? Granted, we all USE computers in our work, but
> computer technology seems to absorb a majority of those who practice our
> craft. What about the rest? What do you write about?

I write about medical imaging equipment and cyclotrons, as well as the software
that runs this hardware.

Karla McMaster, technical writer
CTI PET Systems, Inc., Knoxville, TN
mcmaster -at- cti-pet -dot- com

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