Re: Non-computer writers

Subject: Re: Non-computer writers
From: Elwin McKellar <mckellar -at- MTU -dot- EDU>
Date: Mon, 25 Apr 1994 14:54:12 -0400

Jim Venis asks:

"How many technical writers on this list write about technologies OTHER than
computers and computing? Granted, we all USE computers in our work, but
computer technology seems to absorb a majority of those who practice our
craft. What about the rest? What do you write about?"


My documentation team writes about policies and procedures linked to new
administrative computer systems currently being implemented on our campus.
Basically, we document how the staff does their tasks *with* the new systems.
We produce modular, task-oriented, printed-on-demand documentation that
bridges the gap between the job that must be done and new and unfamiliar tools
provided by the new systems. We are attempting to link the print documentation
to on-line supplementary documentation. We avoid duplicating the systems
documentation that came with the software. The team has produced related paper
forms, training materials, and orientation booklets.

I also produce an internal newsletter tied to the conversion process.


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Michigan Technological University - Houghton, Michigan 49931-1295
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Mick McKellar - Information Systems Spec. - Computing Technology Services

e-mail address: mckellar -at- mtu -dot- edu phone: (906) 487-2112, 2110

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