style questions

Subject: style questions
From: Beth Hardin <hardin -at- UNITY -dot- NCSU -dot- EDU>
Date: Sun, 24 Apr 1994 15:51:02 -0400


A friend is working on some documentation and had some questions that I
figured someone out there would be able to answer:

1) If, by convention, you always include file names in quotes, what do
you do when the file name appears at the end of a sentence...where does
the period go?

ex: Take the file labeled "file name" and create a new file called

I would initially say the period goes inside, but he raised the concern
that the reader might think that the period is part of filename...

2) When a filename ends in a period and is at the end of a sentence, do
you add the period for punctuation? Or, would you just rewrite the

Thanks for your help

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