Re: Hardware writers out there?

Subject: Re: Hardware writers out there?
From: "Barbara J. Philbrick" <burkbrick -at- AOL -dot- COM>
Date: Sat, 23 Apr 1994 12:02:37 EDT

> After lurking for quite some time, I'm starting to feel like a
> minority. I'm a writer for a test and measurement company,
> and I have yet to have documented a single piece of software.

I started out in hardware, and have slowly moved into software (more by
necessity - I'm a contractor - than by desire). I find hardware more
challenging to write about.

My background is in English (B.A.), with occasional courses in electronics
and lots of help from the engineers (primarily electrical) that I've worked
with. Pity the souls who had to explain PID
control loops to me before I took calculus!

Anyway, I agree with you that we seem to be in the minority. Is there just
that much more software than hardware right now, or are software writers more
likely to be joiners, and so we hear
from them more?

> I just started at a new job last month, and am now writing both
> hardware and software documentation. My entire background
> is in software, though, so am riding a huge learning curve right
> now!

Feel free to post questions or contact me by private mail - I'll try to be

Nice to have fellow specialists - next time I need to document how something
interacts with a Tektronics scope, I'll know who to ask!

Barb Philbrick

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