Converting WP tables

Subject: Converting WP tables
From: Heather Atkinson <HMA209 -at- SAFETY -dot- NWSCC -dot- SEA06 -dot- NAVY -dot- MIL>
Date: Thu, 21 Apr 1994 08:02:37 EST

Hi everyone!

Does anyone use WordPerfect any more, or am I stuck in the Dark
Ages? If there is someone out there who still uses WP for their
documentation, perhaps you could help me with my dilemma. I have
approximately *500* tables that have been created in WordPerfect
(5.1) by the data entry people. My task is to incorporate them into
an online searchable infobase called Folio Views. The problem is
that this application will only read .pcx files. So, how do I
convert my WP tables to .pcx's? (We don't have any of these "modern"
software packages that are discussed frequently on the list.) :-(
I have a 486 PC with 16 meg memory. Some of the applications I *DO*
have are:

HiJaak for Windows
Publisher's Paintbrush
Paintshop Pro
Microsoft Windows Paintbrush

I've tried retrieving the tables into a graphics box in WP, which
saves them as a .wpg, then tried to convert them to .pcx's, but
something always seems to go wrong (e.g., doesn't recognize format,
etc.). I also tried capturing the screen in WP for Windows to the
Windows Clipboard, then bringing that image into one of the other
applications, but it looks horrible. Does anyone have any ideas?
I'm about ready to give up. I've been working on this for days.

Thanks in advance for any ideas you can offer!

! Heather M. Atkinson, Technical Writer !
! Computer Data Systems, Inc. !
! Crane Division, Naval Surface Warfare Center !
! Crane, Indiana !
! HMA209 -at- SAFETY -dot- NWSCC -dot- SEA06 -dot- NAVY -dot- MIL !

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