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A while back there was a question about video tapes for
Internet training, and someone mentioned the one's from
Amdahl. It may also be helpful for you to know that
Bellcore has four Internet training videos as part of
its larger series on Data Networking. The titles
of these videos are:
Introduction to the Internet Protocol
Introduction to TCP
Connecting to the Internet
Using the Internet
For more information, please contact me.
Howard B. Pearlson
Room LCC-4D135
290 West Mt Pleasant Av
Livingston, NJ 07039
hpb -at- nestor -dot- cc -dot- bellcore -dot- com
Date: Wed, 06 Apr 1994 09:18:02 +0000
>From: Dave Nordlund <NORDLUND -at- ccstaff -dot- cc -dot- ukans -dot- edu>
Subject: Re: Internet training videos
To: Mike -dot- Patterson -at- mtsg -dot- ubc -dot- ca, com-priv -at- psi -dot- com
Message-Id: <47259C0EF8 -at- ccstaff -dot- cc -dot- ukans -dot- edu>
Organization: University of Kansas
X-Mailer: Pegasus Mail v3.1 (R0)
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT
Priority: normal
Status: R
> Date sent: Tue, 5 Apr 94 16:58:54 PDT
> From: Mike -dot- Patterson -at- mtsg -dot- ubc -dot- ca
> To: com-priv -at- psi -dot- com
> Subject: Internet training videos
> I am looking for VHS videos that provide Internet training.
> I would prefer a basic introductory video plus more advanced
> ones. Does anyone know of the availability of such videos?
> -- Mike Patterson, BCnet manager Mike -at- BC -dot- net (604) 291-5209
I have in front of me a piece from Amdahl (of all people) that contains
reference to computer based self training packages for TCP/IP (no prices)
CGTC 4hrs TCP/IP Desktop Seminar
CGTU 6 hrs TCP/IP for UNIX users
CGTL 12 hrs TCP/IP Architecture
CGTA 12 hrs TCP/IP Applications
UGIN 3 hrs Internet: Ultimate Connectivity
Education Marketing Office M?S 306
1250 Arques Ave
PO Box 3470
Sunnyvale, CA 94088-9967
You also might call SRA at 800/SRA-1277
Dave Nordlund nordlund -at- ccstaff -dot- cc -dot- ukans -dot- edu
University of Kansas 913/864-0450
Computing Services FAX 913/864-0485
Lawrence, KS 66045