Looking for a school

Subject: Looking for a school
From: James Gifford <jgifford -at- WORF -dot- UWSP -dot- EDU>
Date: Wed, 20 Apr 1994 14:42:06 -0500

Since others have asked for recommendations concerning programs in
various fields, I'll ask for a friend. His daughter, who is graduating with
a degree in computer assisted graphic design (a program offered by the art
department at our school), wants to find a graduate programm in "computer
graphics" with an emphasis on the art rather that graphics programming.

That's all I know (and I know it's not much) but any help from your
collective wisdom and experience would be appreciated.

Jim Gifford
Department of Mathematics and Computing
University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point

email: jgifford -at- worf -dot- uwsp -dot- edu

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