Re: copyright law

Subject: Re: copyright law
From: Chuck Martin <techwriter -at- VNET -dot- IBM -dot- COM>
Date: Mon, 18 Apr 1994 15:21:08 PDT

Eric: nice summary of copyright law as it exists today. A fine source for
more well-written detail: "The Business of Being a Writer," by Stephen
Goldin and Kathleen Sky. (although several years old, I covers a the salient
points of the main 1978 copyright law well; I keep hoping for a new version)

One question: was your post part of your job duties or description? If not,
then I don't believe it qualifies under the "work-for-hire" moniker, as
you aren't producing it as part of your job, (unless your job is reading
and posting to this and other lists) but rather your own material produced
on tools owned by your employer. A subtle, but relevant differnce.

Chuck Martin
Information Developer, IBM
techwriter -at- aol -dot- com
74170,2462 -at- compuserve -dot- com

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