gender & computers ref. list

Subject: gender & computers ref. list
From: Barbara Rigg-Healy <brigg -at- UNM -dot- EDU>
Date: Fri, 15 Apr 1994 11:51:00 MDT

Several list members have asked me to post my reference list, so here it is.

Barbara Rigg-Healy \
Technical Editor \
Computer and Information \
Resources and Technology \
University of New Mexico \ "White space never lies."
Albuquerque, NM 87131-6046 \
e-mail: brigg -at- unm -dot- edu \ -- Bill Horton
voice: (505) 277-8147 \
Gender References List

Arch, E. C. & Cummins, D. E. (1989). Structured and Unstructured Exposure
to Computers: Sex Differences in Attitude and Use Among College Students.
Sex Roles, 20(5), 245-253.

Chen, M. (1986). Gender and computers: The beneficial effects of
experience on attitudes. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 2(3),

Collis, B. (1985). Psychosocial Implications of Sex Differences in
Attitudes Toward Computers: Results of a Survey. International Journal of
Women's Studies, 8(3), 207-213.

Fetler, M. (1985). Sex Differences on the California Statewide Assessment
of Computer Literacy. Sex Roles, 13(3/4), 181-191.

Gressard, C.P. and Loyd, B. H. (1987). An investigation of the effects of
math anxiety and sex on computer attitudes. School Science and
Mathematics, 87, 125-135.

Hawkins, J. (1985). Computers and girls: Rethinking the issues. Sex
Roles, 13, 165-180.

Hess, R. D. and Miura, I. T. (1985). Gender Differences in Enrollment in
Computer Camps and Classes. Sex Roles, 13(3/4), 193-203.

Hiemsta, G. (1983). You Say You Want a Revolution? Information
Technology in Organizations. Communications Yearbook 7, 802-827. Berverly
Hills: Sage.

Kiesler, S., Sproull, L. & Eccles, J. S. (1985). Pool halls, chips, and
war games: Women in the culture of computing. Psychology of Women
Quarterly, 9, 451-462.

Levin, T. and Gordon, C. (1989). Effect of gender and computer experience
on attitudes toward computers. Journal of Educational Computing Research,
5(1), 69-88.

Linn, M. C. (1985). Fostering equitable consequences from computer
learning environments. Sex Roles, 13, 229-240.

Loyd, B. H., Loyd, D. E. & Gressard, C. (1987). Gender and computer
experience as factors in the computer attitudes of middle school students.
Journal of Early Adolescence, 7, 13-19.

Miura, I. T., and Hess, R. D. (1984). Sex differences in computer access,
interest, and usage: A summary of three studies. Forum for Academic
Computing and Teaching Systems, 2, 3-4.

Smith, S. D. (1986). Relationships of computer attitudes to sex, grade
level, and teacher influence. Education, 106, 338-344.

Swadener, M., and Hannafin, M. (1987). Gender similarities and
differences in sixth graders' attitudes toward comuters. An exploratory
study. Educational Technology, 27(1), 37-42.

Tannen, D. (1990). But you just don't understand: Men and women in
conversation. Ballantine: New York.

Temple, L. and Lips, H. M. (1989). Gender Differences and Similarities in
Attitudes Toward Computers. Computers in Human Behavior, 5, 215-226.

Wilder, G., Mackie, D. & Cooper, J. ( 1985). Gender and Computers: Two
Surveys of Computer-Related Attitudes. Sex Roles, 13(3/4), 215-228.

Wu, Y. & Morgan, M. (1989). Computer use, computer attitudes, and gender:
Differential implications of micro and mainframe usage among college
student. Journal of Research on Computing in Education, 22, 214-228.

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