Re: gender, sex & Andreas Ramos

Subject: Re: gender, sex & Andreas Ramos
From: Andreas Ramos <andreas -at- NETCOM -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 14 Apr 1994 09:22:51 -0700

On Wed, 13 Apr 1994, Karen Steele wrote:
> Andreas Ramos writes (in part)...
> >By adopting the techie position, which seems to exclude women, in that
> >women don't read computer magazines, and I'd venture to say, don't read
> >manuals either...

> Oh, pullleeeaaaaassssssse! Is anyone else as insulted as I am? Whatta bunch
> self-serving chauvinistic crap!

> Andreas, I don't know if you are just very gullible, very young or very (for
> lack of a better word)
> unenlightened, but I have a newsflash for you, kiddo: Just 'cause you read it
> somewhere doesn't
> necessarily make it true. Wake up and look around you.

Dear Karen
It's not "just something I read". I once did a reader survey for a
magazine: it was 97.5% men readers. In conversation with women editors of
major computer magazines, they too are well aware that the readership is
practically all men. It's you who is uninformed. You don't have any idea
about what you're saying, yet that doesn't keep you from insulting me. I
admire that kind of bravery. :)

> I am a woman. I read computer magazines. I read computer manuals. I write
> them, too. Most
> technical writers (check with STC for exact figures) ARE women. And most of
> read material that
> relates to our career.

Sure. Most writers are women. I never stated otherwise. I only report
that most computer READERS are men.

> Go buy a clue. Anyone (such as yourself) who thinks tech writers are Gods
> (Hermes) and users are
> mere mortals, probably needs to go back to tech writing school.

> It's called reality. Get in touch.

So enlighten me. Tell me that reader surveys are wrong. Tell me that
there's no problem here.

Andreas Ramos, M.A. Heidelberg Sacramento, California

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