Re: girls and computers, was: Gendered Communication

Subject: Re: girls and computers, was: Gendered Communication
From: Karen Kay <karenk -at- NETCOM -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 13 Apr 1994 22:51:29 -0700

Steve Owens said:
> I'd assume the correlation is for elective math classes,
> something most high schools have (and when I went through high school,

Okay. Mine didn't. I took 4 years of math. Algebra, geometry, more
algebra, and analysis.

> I think the connection is inclusive, not exclusive. Not that
> the humanities weenies are less likely, but that math weenies are
> *more* likely.

How can one group be more likely without making the other group less
likely? I guess that I feel very strongly that computers are for
everyone, though they may not know it yet. But they will find out.:)

> Plus, the topic under discussion was (I think it's
> strayed a bit) the predominance of males in the computer field (which
> means a heavy emphasis on engineering, programming, etc) and it's
> probably a valid point.

Ummm....I thought the subject was styles of communication, which
strayed into the topic of the preponderance of male engineers?

karenk -at- netcom -dot- com

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