Subject: SGML
From: Gerry Bourguignon <ad767 -at- FREENET -dot- CARLETON -dot- CA>
Date: Thu, 7 Apr 1994 08:45:03 -0400


This is my first posting (I only joined the list a few days ago).

I am a technical writing student about to graduate from college.
As part of the requirements for my diploma, I am writing a thesis
on SGML (more of an SGML primer than anything else). I plan to
include a chapter called "SGML and the Technical Writer" and have
been gathering information from Technical Communication (the STC
journal) and the Usenet group comp.text.sgml. However, I was
hoping I could get some input from technical writers who have
been working with SGML or who are perhaps working for companies
who are in the process of implementing SGML into their documentation

What's it like to work with an SGML-enforcing system? What effect
will SGML have on technical writing?

are possible questions to consider. And I'm sure there are others.

I, unfortunately, only discovered this list last week. Otherwise,
I would have posted much earlier. As it is, my thesis is due in
just over one week. Still, any input would be appreciated. Even
if it's too late to consider the responses for "inclusion" into the
report, they will no doubt provide for an interesting and thought-
provoking discussion.


Gerry Bourguignon
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. ad767 -at- freenet -dot- carleton -dot- ca

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