Re: Whale Removal Incident

Subject: Re: Whale Removal Incident
From: "Criticism cheerfully rejected." <eppes -at- HUMOR -dot- ENET -dot- DEC -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 6 Apr 1994 13:05:13 EDT

That article about the whale carcass in Oregon was extracted from a column
written by Pulitzer-prize-winning humor columnist Dave Barry, in May 1990 (!!).
That exact excerpt has made the rounds here at DEC a number of times since
then, and never with any attribution. I am a firm believer in "credit where
credit is due," so I just wanted to set the record straight about the source
of that article.

I do have an online copy of the ENTIRE column, but I think it would violate
copyright to distribute it to the list. Sorry. :-)

-- Nina Eppes
Digital Equipment Corporation
Nashua, NH

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