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Book Indexing: Principles and Techniques
Friday, April 22, 1994

Sixty East Club 60 E. 42nd St. New York City

A Professional Development Seminar

taught by Bella Hass Weinberg

sponsored by St. John's University,
Division of Library and Information Science
and The School of Continuing Education

This one-day seminar will introduce the
preparation of book indexes, covering
concepts of indexable matter, structure of
index entries, cross references, filing,
format, and indexer-publisher relations.
Both manual and computer-assisted
techniques will be discussed.

Authors, publishers, information scientists,
librarians, and indexers -- both experienced
and novice -- should benefit from the seminar.
No prior training in library and information
science is re quired. Continuing Education Units
(.6 CEU) may be received by those attending.

Reports on the 1990 Book Indexing
Seminar were published in The Indexer
(Oct. 1990) and the Journal of Education
for Library and Information Science.
(Winter 1991). A report on the 1992
Seminar appeared in Key Words: The
Newsletter of the American Society of
Indexers (July-Aug. 1992). The 1992
Seminar was rated "excellent" by 72% of
those attending.

Austin Travel is the official agent for the
seminar. Call Ann Thompson at (516)
293-6977; out of state, call (800) 899-3117
for discount airfares and hotel rates,
which will apply three days before and
after the seminar.

Book Indexing:
Principles and Techniques
Date: Friday, April 22, 1994
Time: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

9:00 - 9:30 Registration and Coffee

9:30 - 10:40 Principles of Indexing

10:40 - 11:00 Break

11:00 - 12:30 Cross Reference Structure

12:30 - 1:45 Lunch

1:45 - 3:00 Format of Indexes

3:00 - 3:20 Break

3:20 - 4:20 Techniques of Indexing

4:20 - 5:00 Questions and Answers

Place: Sixty East Club
60 East 42nd Street
New York City
(The Lincoln Building, opposite Grand
Central Station, 27th floor)

Fees: $95 including lunch, coffee breaks, and

$60 for students and St. John's University

$5 for .6 Continuing Education Units

Preregistration fees (until April 8, 1994)
$85 regular

$55 students and SJU staff

Seminar Instructor

Dr. Bella Hass Weinberg is a Past President of the
American Society of Indexers and former Chair of
its Indexer Education Committee.

As a Professor in the graduate Division of Library
and Information Science at St. John's University,
she teaches courses in indexing and abstracting
as well as information science.

Dr. Weinberg has compiled several highly praised
book indexes, and consults on the design of large-scale
indexing and thesaurus projects. She is a reviewer of
national and international standards related to indexing,
and has published extensively on indexing theory. The book
she edited, Indexing: The State of Our Knowledge and the
State of Our Ignorance (Learned Information, 1989), has
received many favorable reviews.


For further information, write or call:

James A. Benson, Director
Division of Library and Information Science
St. John's University,
Jamaica, New York 11439

Fax (718) 380-0353
Tel. (718) 990-6200

Early registration is recommended, as space is
limited. Please photocopy the registration form
for additional attendees.

Receipts will be mailed only upon request.
Cancellation and refund requests will be honored
if made by April 14, 1994, and are subject to a
$10 processing fee.
Book Indexing:
Principles and Techniques
April 22, 1994

Registration Form
Please type or print in block letters.

Today's Date_______________________






City, State, Zip_____________________

Daytime Phone_____________________

Social Security Number (for those
requesting Continuing Education

Lunch Choice:
Chicken _______ Fish _______
Vegetarian _____ Kosher _____

_____$85 Preregistration fee (must be
received by April 8, 1994)
_____$95 Registration fee
_____$55 Preregistration fee for students
and St. John's University staff
_____$60 Registration fee for students
and St. John's University staff
_____$5 for .6 Continuing Education
Units (optional)
_____ Total enclosed

Checks should be made payable to:
and mailed by April 14, 1994 to:

Division of Library and Information
St. John's University
Jamaica, New York 11439

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