Words Into Type--4th ed.

Subject: Words Into Type--4th ed.
From: Steve Owens <uso01 -at- EAGLE -dot- UNIDATA -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 1 Apr 1994 09:38:30 +0700

> A couple of notes have asked about WORDS INTO TYPE, 4th edition. 1996
> seems a rewasonable date; however, there is controversy about it. The
> editor wants an up-to-date section on electronic publishing (i.e.,
> desktop publishing) that is thorough. I want to put the general
> information about it and point to the bibliography. The technology
> moves too fast for anything like the level of detailed the editor wants.

Hm... depends upon the level of detail and currency the editor
wants. In general, while the technology DOES move damn fast,
widespread market use lags a year or two behind. Thus, you *could* do
a section on commonly used technology in the industry, with (perhaps)
a very brief section on bleeding edge technology, written at the last

> 2. There is now one glossary that puts several lists in one, combined
> list place (i.e., grammar terms, printing terms, etc.). OPINION????
> I would appreciate opinions because this is REALLY a users manual and
> you are the users. If you'll respond to me directly, I'll post a
> summary. Oh, all the discussion on indexing is interesting. What kind
> of an index should WIT4 have? Are there problems with the WIT3 index?

My personal opinion is for a unified, multi-level hierarchical
organization, for both the glossary and index. The glossary could
have all of the terms alphabetized, with perhaps entries for "grammar
terms" and "printing terms" that just list the other terms you can
find in the glossary. The index should have terms listed
alphabetically, and as subentries under an alphabetically located
category, for example:

Avante Garde
Copyright Issues and
Evolution of

Steven J. Owens
uso01 -at- unidata -dot- com

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