From: "S.North" <north -at- HGL -dot- SIGNAAL -dot- NL>
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1993 09:08:01 +0200

I do not know if these are the JPL levels, but these are the ones I use:

1. Screen Edit: ensure that the manual meets the minimum editorial
standards. Check capitalization, spelling, subject/verb agreement
and punctuation.

2. Mechanical Style Edit: ensure that the manual complies with a
specified style. Check the use of typefaces and sizes, acronyms,
terminology, abbreviations and references.

3. Integrity Edit: ensure that all parts of the manual match. Check
table and figure references and titles, page numbers in content lists
and indexes, and headings and titles for consistency.

4. Format Edit: ensure that the manual conforms to visual format
standards. Check page lengths, vertical and horizontal spacing, and
format of content lists and indexes.

5. Design Edit: ensure that the manual conforms with design
elements. Check rules on tables, examples, illustrations and

6. Language Edit: in-depth edit to improve language use and
expression of ideas. Check organization of major divisions,
conciseness, transitions and terminology.

7. Policy Edit: ensure that the manual reflects policies and standards
of the writing department. Check content and structure.

8. Substantive Edit: ensure that the content of the manual is
meaningful, clearly presented and well organized. Check for gaps,
transpositions and redundancies.

========== Translation's like a mistress; beautiful and unfaithful, ==========
========== or faithful and ugly .... ==========

Simon JJ North BA EngTech FISTC Quality Group, Software R&D
north -at- hgl -dot- signaal -dot- nl Hollandse Signaalapparaten BV

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