Levels of Edit (JPL-Style)

Subject: Levels of Edit (JPL-Style)
From: Chuck Banks <chuck -at- ASL -dot- DL -dot- NEC -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 23 Jul 1993 11:39:20 CDT

15 or more years ago, some interprising people at JPL (Jet
Propulsion Laboratories, a NASA group in California)
created and documented a system for identifying and making
the best use of each person's editing skills.

By following the practices of the Levels of Edit program,
each reviewer (editor) checks only those areas or qualities
of a document to which their expertese applies. The object
is to ensure that every charateristic and content item of
a document is reviewed by those best qualified to do so.

It's a sort of task analysis to identify and limit your
editors (reviewers). It saves them time, reduces interpersonal
friction, and much improves the documentation.

The book that describes the process is entitled _Levels_of_Edit_.

It was written up in the STC Journal in the early '80s.
My copies of the book and the STC article, unfortunately,
are at home. I'll bring in the specifics Monday.

Chuck Banks
__ ________ ______
|\\ | || // Chuck Banks
| \\ | ||_______ || Senior Technical Writer
| \\ | || || NEC America, Inc.
| \\| \\______ \\______ E-Mail: chuck -at- asl -dot- dl -dot- nec -dot- com
America, Incorporated CompuServe: 72520,411

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