Re: Tools experience
Had it been me, I would have downloaded the free 30-day trial of FM and used Adobe *FM Classroom In a Book* to brush up.
Yes, had done that. Cramming as if in collegeâ
I also would have taken a quickie course in DITA, and I would have armed myself with at least a basic idea of current CMSes in use.
Scriptoriumâs DITA YouTube vids are proving quite useful.
Even here in Tech Valley, although I know HTTP, have documented many things these past 25 years, and have a nominal background in coding, I can't get a gig documenting REST APIs. (Admittedly, part of that is I'm not a
foosball-playing, 28-year old craft-beer brewer with a perpetual two-day growth and odoriferous hoodie who thinks that working in a cavernous echo chamber is spiffy-keeno.)
Thank Heaven doc writers are a different breedâ
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