Re: criteria for choosing tools ?
As far as tools, I would change b. to Tech Comm Suite structured. FrameMaker has good DITA support built in and if you are looking at topic-based authoring, I would consider DITA or some kind of custom structure versus unstructured FrameMaker.
Well... although I'm quite experienced with unstructured FrameMaker, and have solid practice with DITA (once in an XMetaL/SDL Trisoft publishing toolchain with several team members dedicated to tooling/templating/transforms, and once with Oxygen/ePublisher/Antenna where I was the tools person and one of two writers), it sounds just too daunting to take on the tools/templates tasks for a structured FrameMaker toolset along with inventory/needs assessment, revising all existing docs/website, and writing a dozen+ new docs (with lots of overlapping/shared/conditional text requirements) for big data cluster admins.
Question: Is there perhaps a pointer to any "out-of-the-box" structured FrameMaker output examples that I could evaluate?
Question: Other than using a SSG (static site generator) with links to the PDFs or mini-html sites, any recommendations on easy tooling to create a doc portal? The usual things I've seen (such as a Salesforce doc portal) aren't really options. Again, as the lone writer, I'm looking for tools I can implement largely on my own in addition to doing the actual info/doc design and product research and writing.
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criteria for choosing tools ?: From: Monique Semp
RE: criteria for choosing tools ?: From: Rick Quatro
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