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Subject:Re: Tip 'o the day From:"Sweet, Gregory P (HEALTH)" <gregory -dot- sweet -at- health -dot- ny -dot- gov> To:"TechWhirl (techwr-l -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com)" <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com> Date:Mon, 1 Aug 2016 13:57:53 +0000
A long time ago I created something similar to a tip of the day in the form of a page-a-day calendar for the Authorware scripting language that was very well received by the community. I had recently attended an Authoware training course and the instructor had advised that to get a good handle on the Authorware scripting language, you should read through a function or variable description every day. So I set out to do that for myself. I think the page-a-day format, and making consuming the content asynchronous to using the application all helped in how well it was received. To be fair though, I only created the app as a training aid for myself. It just so happens that others found it to be really useful as well.
On 7/29/16, 3:47 PM, "techwr-l-bounces+gregory -dot- sweet=health -dot- ny -dot- gov -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com on behalf of Andrew Harvie" <techwr-l-bounces+gregory -dot- sweet=health -dot- ny -dot- gov -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com on behalf of withanie -at- gmail -dot- com> wrote:
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Today, I'm pondering the Tip of the Day feature, found in assorted software.
Personally, I tend to disable the feature after reading the first tip.
Usually because it's in my way, and it isn't relevant to what I want to do
*right now*.
But, I can see how the idea would appeal to those who create it. If the
users won't come to the documentation, push the documentation out to the
users. Perhaps if it were more relevant to the task at hand, more enticing:
"There's a bunch of ways you can save time on this task. Come and look...".
Has anyone created Tip of the Whatever Time Period - style suggestions and
done it in a way that garnered positive feedback? Has anyone seen it done
in a way that they like? Or, is it always a bad idea?
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