Re: New writer looking for advice
Why would a tech writer need two monitors, let alone three, which
sounds like an ergonomic nightmare?
I can only look in one place at a time and I can context-switch with
keyboard shortcuts and my KVM switch as fast as I could look at a
different screen. Large displays with 16:9 aspect ratios provide such
huge desktops that I can treat them like two displays anyway.
On Fri, Apr 17, 2015 at 11:13 AM, Paul Hanson
<twer_lists_all -at- hotmail -dot- com> wrote:
If you are using 3 (or more!) monitors, I'd be curious about the specs for^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
that device. My current laptop graphics card only supports 2 monitors. I am
in the market for a new laptop for my daughter to take to college in fall
2015. I'd like to get her one that supports 3 monitors in case she finds out
she needs that capability.
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RE: New writer looking for advice: From: Paul Hanson
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