RE: Salary at a State University

Subject: RE: Salary at a State University
From: Tech Writer <tech-writer -at- live -dot- com>
To: <jim -dot- pinkham -at- voith -dot- com>
Date: Fri, 7 Aug 2009 09:56:35 -0600

Also, they've got a list of qualifications and preferred qualifications and I have everything on the preferred list.

Also, I mistyped in my original request. The salary is $40K (not 45K). I was hoping for 10% wiggle room. I know it's less than I was making, but the benefits are excellent, a small commute, inexpensive parking, free courses, and hopefully more security.

Thanks for all the responses I've received so far!

> Subject: RE: Salary at a State University
> Date: Fri, 7 Aug 2009 07:55:33 -0500
> From: Jim -dot- Pinkham -at- voith -dot- com
> To: tech-writer -at- live -dot- com
> CC: klhra -at- yahoo -dot- com; techwr-l -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com
> There may not be wiggle room, but....
> 1) What problems can you solve for them, what capacities can you bring?
> 2) Will those assets enable them to do/offer something they cannot or do
> not offer now?
> 3) What did the last person in the position make? What might you bring
> to the table that your predecessor did not -- particularly as it applies
> to the department's needs, desired future direction, or both?
> If there is wiggle room, I suspect it lies in the answer to those
> questions.

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Re: Salary at a State University: From: Keith Hood
RE: Salary at a State University: From: Pinkham, Jim

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