Re: musicians among us

Subject: Re: musicians among us
From: doc -at- edwordsmith -dot- com
To: "Edwin Skau" <eddy -dot- skau -at- gmail -dot- com>
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2007 05:31:15 -0800

On Fri, 21 Dec 2007 10:47:03 +0530, you wrote:

>IThis probably has something to do with the amount of discipline it demands.

Good point, and a useful counterpoint to those who support
the de-funding of school music programs--in my neck of the
woods they cite the lack of any prooof that music studies
improve other grades.

I think of music studies (in the sense of learning musical
pieces) as developing a special kind of memory, 'musical
memory' that is not necessarily 'spatial' memory but equally
useful, that lends itself to whatever studies you happen to
be undertaking. But I'm not sure that the discipline of a
dedicated music student transfers to other studies--the
musician who is aloof and uninterested in other studies is
the case I have in mind.

We've been discussing music as related to some abstract
math, but like spatial memory, it seems to me to provide a
workspace for making mental models. But the student would
need to be looking for musical qualities in a subject matter
before being able to leverage musical memory, eh?


>On Dec 19, 2007 12:10 AM, Tim Mantyla <TimMantyla -at- nustep -dot- com> wrote:
>> I read somewhere that music training helps people do better in school.
>> IMHO, learning and playing music makes people more intelligent,
>> analytical/logical and creative because:

Ned Bedinger
doc -at- edwordsmith -dot- com

"Intelligence is not how much you know,
it's what you do when you don't know."


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RE: musicians among us: From: Tim Mantyla
Re: musicians among us: From: Edwin Skau

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