Re: TECHWR-L considered harmful

Subject: Re: TECHWR-L considered harmful
From: "Bill Swallow" <techcommdood -at- gmail -dot- com>
To: neilson -at- windstream -dot- net
Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2007 12:55:02 -0500

For me it depends on the nature of the question. I'll likely point
people in a direction but I won't hold their hand to get them there
(or drag them along). So if newbies are posting and are running with
the hints to get good things done, then I'd say it's all-around a job
well done. If they continue to ask the same questions, usually the
list (in my experience) ignores them or points them to Google, in
which case no harm done.

On Nov 13, 2007 8:33 AM, <neilson -at- windstream -dot- net> wrote:
> Occasionally someone who should have been doing something
> else is assigned the task of writing or revising the
> documentation. The somewhat less clueless of these people
> will discover TECHWR-L and ask our subscribing multitude
> for help. We writers, being generous (as well as easily
> distracted from our appointed projects) leap to the rescue.
> Are we actually doing the right thing? Or are we merely
> creating more of those annoying people who believe they are
> tech writers but are mostly worthless?

Bill Swallow
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