I need your help to create context-sensitive help.

Subject: I need your help to create context-sensitive help.
From: "Roger Bell" <RBell -at- vcgsoftware -dot- com>
To: <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com>
Date: Fri, 9 Nov 2007 15:09:34 -0500

Here is what we are trying to do:

We want to create help at the section or field level of an application.
The programmers tell us that they only have context IDs for each page
(business object) in the application. Since some of the application
pages are quite large, having help for the whole page at once would be
more than a user would want.

(1) Is there a way to drill down help in a sub-context ID way?

We also want users to be able to edit and customize each help message
without having to have any knowledge of HTML or XML.

(2) Is there a way to do this?

Here are our current tools:

* FrameMaker 7.2
* RoboHelp X5
* Word 2003 (if you call that a tool)

We plan to upgrade to the Adobe Tech. Comm. Suite next year. If we need
it now, please let me know how it would help.

I only know the documentation end of this, but if you have information
that would help the programmers integrate the help, please feel free to
include that information.

Thanks in advance to anyone who replies.

Roger Bell
Technical Writer
770-246-2300 x1181

The Power To Succeed.
www.vcgsoftware.com <http://www.vcgsoftware.com/>
1805 Old Alabama Road, Suite 250, Roswell, GA 30076

Discover VCG's all-new Pointwing(tm) recruiting and staffing software at
www.pointwing.com <http://www.pointwing.com/> !

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Create HTML or Microsoft Word content and convert to Help file formats or
printed documentation. Features include support for Windows Vista & 2007
Microsoft Office, team authoring, plus more.

True single source, conditional content, PDF export, modular help.
Help & Manual is the most powerful authoring tool for technical
documentation. Boost your productivity! http://www.helpandmanual.com

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