Re: FWD: Researching Employers

Subject: Re: FWD: Researching Employers
From: John Garison <john -at- garisons -dot- com>
Date: Thu, 24 May 2007 08:31:39 -0400

While not a direct answer to the poster's question, I have found to be an excellent resource for finding information about
companies. I often find that I know someone directly or indirectly at a
company and have used those contacts to help make decisions about
whether or not to consider applying there.

My 2ยข,

John G

TECHWR-L Administrator wrote:
> Can anyone suggest a website that gives background information about
> employers? Or can you tell me how to go about researching an employer's
> reputation as far as pay, treatment of employees, corporate environment,
> etc.? I'm looking for a job in a different state so I'm unfamiliar with
> many of the companies I'm applying to.

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FWD: Researching Employers: From: TECHWR-L Administrator

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