Re: Use of Tables?
However, let me throw one more factor in support of CSS, accesbility. I know
in the past I have been told that screen readers have issues with reading
table formated web pages. Also, if you properly use CSS you can facilitate
folks using other devices. My Sony w810 is not a smartphone, but I can use
Opera Mini to read many web pages through it.
Let me ask one question of the CSS experts (or even amateurs more advanced than I).
I've looked at pages laid out with CSS and the main device I see (haven't used it myself yet, so forgive me if I get the syntax wrong) is float:{left|right} to set up things like a nav column on the left and a main text area on the right. Okay, so far so good. Here's my question: Is there a way to limit the width of a text column in CSS? In a table layout, I can prevent text from swelling to an unreadable line length as the browser window grows in width--something I consider a vital usability factor for people who are not visually impaired and are therefore reading the screen with their own eyes rather than a screen reader. Can I do the same thing in CSS? If so, what's the magic keyword I need to look up?
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