Re: Corporate Fact Sheets
I'm looking for ways to goof off productively^H^H^H^Havoid real
work^H^H^H^Henhance our corporate self-image, and I think one thing we
could use is a "Corporate Fact Sheet".
but I'm interested in what people think should be on such a sheet. Is
it the equivalent of a web 'about' page?
Also, I want to create a mission statement. I think I've gone over to
the Dark Side ;-)
My ghodd, what has happened to didn't drink the water did you....we told you not to drink the water.....
I did a corporate fact sheet at a previous place of employment and yes, it is essentially printed version of a web 'about' page. We included it with all of our printed catalogs, in corporate sales presentations and had them as handouts (in addition to everything from chocolate product replicas to product brochures) at the conventions we attended. We made sure to include the corporate website and the sales email address on it. After all, it is a marketing tool.
I look at mission statements as great fire starter (as long as it's not printed on glossy stock). They're in the same category as "objectives" on resumes.
Al Geist
Technical Writing, Online Help, Marketing Collateral, Web Design, Award Winning Videos, Professional Photography
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URL: <> (online portfolio/resume)
See also:
URL: <> (fine art prints for home for office, and note cards for all occasions)
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- Re: Corporate Fact Sheets, Susan Hogarth
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