Re: Open vs Appear, Yet Again (was: "RE: WG: Newbie question - GUI terminology")
Jeff Cross wrote:
> What about "displays" used as an intransitive verb, in place of
> "appears" or "opens"? (As in, "The Add Participant window displays.")
Not only do I agree with Susan about problems with
it as an intransitive verb, but we also avoid this
usage due to possible confusion because "display" is
commonly also used as a noun. Localization isn't
happy when we use a word as both a verb and a noun.
As for "opens," I've been trying to pin down why it
bothers me and I haven't been able to come up with
a grammar-related explanation. Somehow, although I
have no problem with something like "Choosing
Print from the File menu opens the Print dialog
box," the phrase "The Print dialog box opens" seems
awkward to me.
-- Janice
Janice Gelb | The only connection Sun has with
janice -dot- gelb -at- sun -dot- com | this message is the return address.
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RE: Open vs Appear, Yet Again (was: "RE: WG: Newbie question - GUI terminology"): From: Jeff Cross
Re: Open vs Appear, Yet Again (was: "RE: WG: Newbie question - GUI terminology"): From: Janice Gelb
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RE: Open vs Appear,Yet Again (was: "RE: WG: Newbie question - GUI terminology")
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