Re: Adobe Designer 7.0 Dynamic PDF Forms Inquiry
I think I understand what you mean. You recommend I should put up a
webpage that parses the XML data returned by our customer and displays
it in an on-screen facsimile of the .PDF form that the Sales Rep sent to
the customer. Is that a correct understanding of your recommendation?
Well, I believe that's what most people do. But I haven't used that particular functionality; so I'm not the authority on it. Your best bet would be to check the (fairly recent) archives on comp.text.pdf (start here:
If that's the "best" solution that exists, then I don't think it really
is a solution for this particular issue. The customer needs a .PDF form
they can save or print and refer to during the life cycle of the
product, and I don't see why the Sales Rep shouldn't have access to that
exact same .PDF form with the exact same information exactly the way the
customer entered it.
The customer can't use a Web form? Just asking. When I buy stuff on the Web, I get a print-this-page receipt (HTML) with all my filled-in form information displayed neatly, and I get a plain text email containing the same information. Nobody sends me a PDF.
Sales is specifying they need access to both
electronic and hardcopy versions of the information (for convenience and
legal purposes I suppose), and I'd like to make both versions look
identical...hence the .PDF option.
I doubt they would really notice if you gave them a Web page to print instead, assuming you tweak the CSS decently. Most of the sales people I've known focus on the information being accurate more than on what the page layout looks like.
Am I thinking along the right lines, or am I being stubborn and trying
to make the oval peg go in the square hole again?
Could be. I'm not sure.
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RE: Adobe Designer 7.0 Dynamic PDF Forms Inquiry: From: Nuckols, Kenneth M
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