RE: Follow-up: Acceptance of Mediocre Documentation

Subject: RE: Follow-up: Acceptance of Mediocre Documentation
From: "Katherine Hinchey" <khinchey -at- houston -dot- rr -dot- com>
To: "TECHWR-L" <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com>
Date: Fri, 27 May 2005 08:40:07 -0500

I think Lou's advise is spot-on. As usual! :)

Most of us advised Anon to increase his level of confidence, gave him a
few tips, maybe a bit of compassion. A few chose to kick him while he
was down. It's an interesting rule that David points to. When someone is
afraid to communicate openly -- and so, posts anonymously -- we are
extra harsh? The banner on our web page says "Techwr-l: Empowering
technical writers since 1993." When we attack each other with comments
about their ability to make a living in this field... is this
empowering? Does belittling empower anyone?

Anon did not ask "am I a writer" or "what is your opinion about my job
skills". He said, "my boss doesn't want clearer documentation" and asked
"how do you deal with praise for mediocre documentation?"

He should have known that nobody would respond with "I produce mediocre
documentation every day, pass myself off as a 'senior' writer, and sleep
well at night."



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Re: Follow-up: Acceptance of Mediocre Documentation: From: Lou Quillio

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