RE: Techwriter Justification

Subject: RE: Techwriter Justification
From: "Kathleen" <keamac -at- cox -dot- net>
To: "TECHWR-L" <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com>
Date: Tue, 17 May 2005 12:15:43 -0700

John, your comment brings to mind one of the previous threads in which
you, Bill, Gene, and others discussed planning/writing manuals before
the project (software?) was complete. At the time I was astounded, but
soon began to wonder if that could be done because the writers are all
dealing with software only. Also, processes might be better controlled
at those companies than the places I've worked.

I would like to learn how to estimate time/project. Aside from project
materials that might/might not be available from the developers, does
the usual strategy start with scoping the outline and then using a tool
like MS Project to break up the process? How do you figure hours when
you don't know complexity or possibly how bad the initial doc is? Or are
those things you just build into your estimate?

I'd appreciate all recommendations about books or other resources for
learning more about doing this.


-----Original Message-----
From: John Posada

In reality, the way to do it is map out the project(s) using
something like MS Project (or name yer poison), get from that the
number of hours needed, divide as needed...etc.
......... Not pulling numbers out of the air...... The real reason is
you just don't have the ...understanding...


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