Re: Em dash
"John Posada" <JPosada -at- isogon -dot- com> writes:
Odd...I typed your exact string and I got 30 hits:
The first 5 were:
Automatically format hyphens as em dashes and en dashes
Insert a tab in outline
Insert a field
Insert another file into an open document
Insert a picture
John Posada
Hmm....I wonder if the online HELP "learns" from previous querries how you
want to search or what to search? That could explain the different results.
I usually find what I want with the first search and rarely have to refine
it further.
I tried it for the first time and got the same as John, with the answer. The default is a connection to Office Online.
BTW John, Do you hate Word?
Sisyphus had it easy
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