RE: [great help example for a web-based app]

Subject: RE: [great help example for a web-based app]
From: jgarison -at- ide -dot- com
To: "TECHWR-L" <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com>
Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2002 09:43:46 -0400

Matt et. al.,

IMHO, the differentiator is the ownership of the data.

If you access a site and use someone else's data - as you would on Amazon,
for example - it is not a web application, it is a web site that provides
some sort of e-commerce.

If, however, you access a site where you use your own data, where you can do
more than just pick something to buy, where you can add and delete
information, make changes to the data, then it is a web application.

The difference, if you adhere to this definition, is that the amount of
interactivity in a web application is much higher than it is in a web site.

Just my 2ยข,


>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Matthew Horn [mailto:mhorn -at- macromedia -dot- com]
>>Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2002 9:35 AM
>>Subject: RE: [great help example for a web-based app]
>>Yes, I agree that "web application" currently defies
>>definition. It is many things to many people. Macromedia is
>>also currently trying to define a Rich Internet Application
>>(RIA), but the definition, there, too, is amorphous. I define
>>a web app as any dynamic web site. The dynamic aspect can be
>>the model (the data) or the view (the UI), or both.
>>Web apps can be interactive with teh client or totally
>>server-based with the client seeing nothing but static pages.
>>That's pretty lame, too, but it allows you to drill down....
>>database-driven web application, Flash-based application,
>>SOAP-based application, ColdFusion app, J2EE web/enterprise
>>application, ASP.Net pages, Java applet, etc. They all have
>>one thing in common: http communication with a server.
>>So the difference between a web site and a web app? A web
>>site is just a location. It can host multiple web apps or
>>multiple web sites with static pages.

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