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I can address your first situation: check to make sure your .gif files do
not have a transparent background. Transparent .gif files ALWAYS distort
when distilling to PDF, and Adobe doesn't make it easy for folks to find
out. Give your .gif files a solid background (white, if you're planning to
print PDF's), and try distilling again.
I hope you can find an answer to your second issue, it's not one I've ever
dealt with.
Good luck!
Connie P. Giordano
Senior Technical Writer
Advisor Technology Services
A Fidelity Investments Company
704-330-2069 (w)
704-330-2350 (f)
704-957-8450 (c)
connie -dot- giordano -at- fmr -dot- com <mailto:connie -dot- giordano -at- fmr -dot- com>
"I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to
do it." - Pablo Picasso
-----Original Message-----
From: Hans Visser [mailto:hansjan_visser -at- hotmail -dot- com]
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2002 9:03 AM
Subject: Acrobat Reader
I'm having some problems creating and printing out a pdf-file.
a) When I'm converting a masterdocument from Word into pdf-format, all my
pictures appear blurred in the pdf-file. This could be caused by the fact
that most of them are in gif-format, but using another format (bmp for
example) sucks up a lot of memory. Any suggestions?
b) When I'm trying to print out my pdf-file, the first page makes the
printer go berzerk. This page is a colored page with the company logo on it.
A solution is to skip this page, print out the entire document from page 2,
and then print out page 1 seperately as image. Unfortunately, this solution
is highly unprofessional when presented to customers. Anyone?
Hans Visser
Now's a great time to buy RoboHelp! You'll get SnagIt screen capture
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Office or RoboHelp Enterprise. Hurry, this offer expires February 28, 2002.
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