RE: techwr-l digest: June 14, 2001

Subject: RE: techwr-l digest: June 14, 2001
From: Sean MacRae <sean -at- rcp -dot- co -dot- uk>
To: "TECHWR-L" <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com>
Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2001 10:09:47 +0100


Steve Krug's "Don't Make Me Think" (Que, 2000; ISBN: 0789723107) is a gentle
introduction to the art of Web-based usability, which includes a useful
description of a usability walk-through with a user. Recommended, readable
and short!

Hackos and Redish, "User and Task Analysis for Interface Design" (John Wiley
and Sons, 1997; ISBN: 0471178314) is an excellent reference for the analysis

I have just read Jeff Johnson's "GUI Bloopers: Don'ts and Do's for software
developers and Web designers" (Morgan Kaufmann, 2000; ISBN: 1558605827).
Although this is aimed at GUI designers and developers, it includes some
descriptions of assessments and analyses that Johnson has carried out; you
may wish to borrow, rather than buy this.

Jakob Nielsen's ( been mentioned recently
in the list; in particular his article on "Guerilla usability" includes some
discussion of usability methods:

Also try out

The BCS in the UK run a HCI chapter; they may run courses and do have a
conference coming up, but HCI groups tend to be too academic:

Sean M

PS: Although you didn't want books describing the "why?" rather than the
"how?", I believe everyone should read Alan Cooper's "The Inmates are
Running the Asylum" (Sams Publishing; ISBN: 0672316498). You won't agree
with all of it, but I wanted to photocopy large chunks and staple them to
the foreheads of our developers...

> Subject: Question on courses for UK-based Tech Writers
> From: <ian -dot- saunders -at- vf -dot- vodafone -dot- co -dot- uk>


> Do any UK-based tech writers know of any courses (aside from
> undergraduate
> courses in tech writing) in this country covering:
> * User Needs Analysis
> * Usability Testing
> Failing that, do you know of any good books, web pages or
> other resources
> containing guidelines for performing these tasks (rather than just the
> theory of why they are important)?



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