RE: OT: Tech writers and cookbooks
> Funny you should mention eggplants. I had this very experience last week
> with an eggplant I needed to use.
> Another TW, indexing, and even internationalization tie-in: some of my
> cookbooks are from the UK, so I had to remember to look up
> "aubergine." I'm
> sure that there are many more examples like this. For instance, chick peas
> also need to be cross-referenced with garbanzo beans.
Betty Crocker's site has a page called "What's on Hand?" I suppose you could
call it an electronic index of sorts, a search engine that offers recipe
ideas according to the ingredients you select. Of course, they also count on
you having additional staple ingredients, so it's far from foolproof, but
it's one of the more useful ideas I've ever seen for a web page.
David Berg
~!~ ~!~ ~!~ ~!~ ~!~ ~!~ ~!~
Marilynne Smith
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