RE: Tech writers and cookbooks
IMHO, if you want to see what is probably the worst example of recipe writing, look at the Joy of Cooking. There are no lists of ingredients and the writing is in prose with no separation of steps for prep, cooking, sauces, etc. You literally have to read the entire recipe from beginning to end to determine what you need, how long it will take, the level of difficulty, etc.
Even worse are cookbooks that tell to "Add 4 cups of granulated sugar, then stir until completely incorporated and mixture is smooth. Personally, I find that cloyingly sweet, so I only use 2 cups of sugar." They couldn't have mentioned that happy fact before telling you to stir it in until completely blended? IMHO, for that type of situation, one should list 2-4 cups granulated sugar in the list of ingredients, direct the reader to stir that in, and add that additional sugar can be added if the reader prefers a sweeter mixture.
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