Re: Any self-published authors out there?
I was wondering if anyone on this list has self published any technical or
business books instead of dealing with the mainstream publishing path. How
much did you end up netting on each book? What kinds of volumes (numbers)
did you print? Are you still giving them away as Xmas presents? I've just
ordered a few book on self publishing from Amazon, but I'm beginning to
think that the traditional path may be too much of a pain in the neck and
will be more ego gratification than financially rewarding.
I've been published previously in a small market in the late 80's early 90's
(20,000 copies sold), got a $3,000 advance and had to split the royalties
with my co-author (he got 7% and I got 5% because he provided all the
illustrations). I think I ended up making another $3,000 or so over the life
of the book (about 3 or 4 years), which meant I barely broke even with
expenses (I had to travel to visit my co-author who was in prison the entire
time, and provide him with writing/research supplies).
Donn Le Vie
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