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RE: Best screen capture per specific DTP? (cross-posted)
Subject:RE: Best screen capture per specific DTP? (cross-posted) From:"Brierley, Sean" <Sean -at- Quodata -dot- Com> To:"TECHWR-L" <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com> Date:Fri, 26 Jan 2001 09:51:47 -0500
I recommend you don't bother. It's not about Word Perfect, Ventura, MS Word,
FrameMaker, Interleaf, etc. It's all about how you are delivering the
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kim McGarghan [SMTP:kmcgarghan -at- nssolutions -dot- com]
> Sent: Friday, January 26, 2001 9:24 AM
> Subject: Best screen capture per specific DTP? (cross-posted)
> I'm thinking of putting together a chart/graph that indicates which format
> of screen captures works best with which DTP, file format, etc. I will
> compile the results and give a copy to the moderators for them to either
> add
> to archives or post on relevant web sites.
Non-lossy bitmapped format works best. It has nothing to do with which DTP
or "file format" you use. It has everything to do with the fact that you are
capturing pixel-based information that has few colors and few sharply
noticeable changes (versus a photograph where the number of colors are
usually high and changes happen more subtly across the entire image).
Thus, TIF, BMP, GIF, PNG, PCX, etc., all work (even proprietary formats,
such as PSD, are fine if your destination software has the correct filters).
The only gotchas are how many colors do you want and how much do you care
about file size? You can relieve some of these pressures by knowing what
your video card and monitor are doing at the time of the capture. And, these
variables have nothing at all to do with DTP package, either.
> Please reply to me off-line if you have suggestions (so we don't flood the
> mailing lists).
> Please feel free to add items to the below list as ways of determining the
> values:
> Some considerations:
> Quality on screen (web pages, PDF)
Web Pages: 256 colors 96 dpi. Small file size. PNG, GIF. This has everything
to do with destination. The DTP package matters not at all.
PDF: 256 colors and small file size works here, too. BUT! PDF was made to be
printed. So, choose a resolution appropriate for your output device (e.g.,
120 dpi or 150 dpi for a 600dpi laser jet). You might also be going to an
offset press from PDF, WebPress, or Docutech. Know your output. Again, the
DTP package matters not at all.
> Quality on hardcopy
What does this mean? PS files to an offset press? Are you going to waste
CMYK inks and multiple passes on dialog boxes? You can if quantity is right.
So, 4-color, use TIFF and high res, 300 or 600 dpi--check the linescreen of
the output device. Or, do you mean to a 600 dpi black and white laser jet?
Okay, 256 colors will render quite nicely as 256 shades of grey and 120dpi
or 150 dpi should be fine. Again, the DTP package matters not at all.
> Size of image
File size, pixel size on-screen, or inches/cm size on paper? Which. All
bitmapped formats are difficult to scale because, to do so, you are adding
or subtracting pixels . . . and your graphics software has to interpolate,
resulting in aliasing, jaggies, and the like. Your best bet is to consider
image size when you make the capture, figure out the pixel and inch/cm
dimensions of what you are capturing before you capture it. Then, set the
resolution appropriately. Again, the DTP package matters not at all.
> Time to download (for web pages)
Again, the DTP package matters not at all. On the web you are limited in the
formats you can choose. Pick PNG or GIF. Resolution needs only to be 96 dpi
for screen-only.
> Integration/import to and from other programs
> Other: ______________________________
TIF, BMP, GIF, PNG, PCX, etc., all work. BMP is Windows only. What programs
are you interested in using the graphics in and why?
> "If you care enough, you can have an impact." Harry Chapin
> Kim McGarghan
sean -at- quodata -dot- com
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