Re: FrameMaker 6.0
Suzette Leeming wrote:
When you open a 5.5 document, it upgrades it. If you save it on top,
you will not be able to open it in 5.5 again.
Is there a utility anywhere that will search my hard drive for all
FrameMaker files and upgrade them to version 6? I probably even have
some version 4 files in dusty corners somewhere.
Under UNIX, I know I could do this with a shell script and fmbatch,
but does anybody know of a Windows solution? I could probably just
do search for "*.fm" in the Search utility, but dropping that list
on FrameMaker would probably crash my computer.
The only solution is FrameScript or VisualBasic. FrameScript is ultimatly more useful to a Frame user.
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