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Subject:RE: Where is the ceiling in TW? From:"Turner, Will" <Will_Turner -at- Bayptin -dot- com> To:"TECHWR-L" <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com> Date:Mon, 22 Jan 2001 11:27:42 -0800
Regarding your comments on "Has anyone thought about going into Business
Analysis? Professional Services Consulting?":
I did that before I became a writer of manuals, and I still moonlight in
that area -- primarily competitive analysis of computer hardware and
software companies, some investment due diligence, some analysis of
technical trends. I often make less per hour on these projects than in my
Sr. TW job, partly because I'm not good at representing myself (one reason
why I stick with my FT job), and because I'm such an information junkie that
I spend too much time doing research that ends up on the cutting room floor.
That tends to happen most when the technology is especially bleeding edge,
and I do those jobs more for the fun of it than the money.
Also, regarding the ceiling in TW, usually you can make more money by
specializing in a hot niche -- icon/user interface design, project
management, localization/translation, recruiting, online help, interactive
Web pages, multimedia/courseware, SGML/XML templates -- but you need to be
a good marketer of yourself, and you need to factor into your bids the cost
of off-the-clock studying; I'm not good at either.
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