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Subject:RE: Where is the ceiling in TW? From:"Le Vie, DonaldX S" <donaldx -dot- s -dot- le -dot- vie -at- intel -dot- com> To:"TECHWR-L" <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com> Date:Fri, 19 Jan 2001 05:55:43 -0800
I wrote:
>And the $64,000 question you need to ask yourself when considering a
>counteroffer: "Why am I today worth $XX dollars more than I was yesterday?"
and Mike Stockman replied in part:
>>That's only an important question if you have a bunch of personal
feelings wrapped up in the issue.
Mike's response brings up some very good points that I didn't elaborate on.
But the truth about weighing counteroffers is rarely (in my experience and
that of many others) as unemotional and clinical as Mike relates. You can't
NOT ask yourself that $64,000 question when you get a counteroffer from your
employer no matter how much you understand that it's their job to pay you as
little as possible to keep you at the job. It's because most of us wrap up a
lot of personal feelings in the issue...after all, the place you go to 5
days a week is your home away from home, you develop relationships, you
learn processes and "how things are done," etc. So, it's really rarely
without the emotional investment.
The bottom line is, according to the statistics mentioned in the article
from my previous post, that people who accept counteroffers generally are
gone in 6 months anyway (one way or another).
Donn Le Vie
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