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Subject:RE: UK writers - need your input From:"Carnall, Jane" <Jane -dot- Carnall -at- compaq -dot- com> To:"TECHWR-L" <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com> Date:Mon, 15 Jan 2001 07:16:42 -0000
Alexis asks >>do agencies [I'm going through Kudos right now] place people
in direct
["permanent"] jobs as well as temporary ones? ["temporary" = less than a
Yes, they do. You need to tell them which you're looking for. Some companies
don't like to use agencies for permanent jobs, but not many: most will tell
the agencies working for them whether they want a contract writer (usual
length of contract: three to six months) or a permanent writer (who might
stay two to ten years... or, possibly, three to six months :-) Kudos is a
large national agency with a good reputation, though I've never had a
contract o (or permanent) job through them.
>>I am job searching in the UK [I live in New York state now]. I have heard
differing stories about how hard it is to find work in the UK if you're an
American. But the agency I've been talking to says, you need an offer of
employment first, then wait 3 months for the work visa to come through. Do
you think it's that easy?<<
Sorry - don't know the answer to that one! There's an American working at a
desk nearby - if I remember, when she gets into work, I'll ask her what the
process was. But I'm fairly sure that the company nursemaided her through
it, so it may not be that helpful...
Jane Carnall
Technical Writer, Compaq, France
Unless stated otherwise, these opinions are mine, and mine alone.
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