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I haven't followed this entire thread, so this reference may already have been
cited but here goes. Fowler's Modern English Usage, Third Edition, states that
headquarters "can legitimately be used either as a singular (a large
headquarters) or as a plural (the firm's headquarters are in London). All the
dictionaries I consulted said that it is a plural, but can be used as either a
singular or plural. So take your pick.
Jo Baer
Senior Technical Writer
TCF Financial Corporation
Minneapolis, Minnesota
jbaer -at- mailbox1 -dot- tcfbank -dot- com
Forget world peace.
Visualize using your turn signal.
Bumper S. Ticker
Brian Hoskins wrote:
> Could I suggest a simple solution is to use the term 'head office' instead
> of 'headquarters'.
> Regards
> Brian Hoskins
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