RE: A comment on the apostrophe
From: "Carnall, Jane" <Jane -dot- Carnall -at- compaq -dot- com>
Reply-To: "Carnall, Jane" <Jane -dot- Carnall -at- compaq -dot- com>
To: "TECHWR-L" <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com>
Subject: RE: A comment on the apostrophe
Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2001 11:31:56 -0000
Brian Hoskins shared:
>On the subject of the thread is a quote from Robert Burchfield, editor of
>the OED Supplement. "The apostrophe was only a moderately successful
>and it is probably coming to the end of its usefulness, certainly for
>forming plurals and marking possession. It may only be retained for
Was it ever useful for forming plurals?
Andrew Carnegie refused to support the OED with a grant, though it was
exactly the kind of project he liked to support (educational,
non-profit-making, with a Scotsman in charge) because he believed in New
Spelling (Nu Speling) and was certain the OED would soon become obsolete.
Which tells me Carnegie, like so many others, missed the point of the OED.
Maggie Secara
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